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Old 10-28-20, 12:11 PM   #5220
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
I got that from a German English newspaper. I guess they identify themselves as center-right so they can dismiss others ideas and accuse you of being far right.
Maybe they were that in prehistoric times, but Merkel has overtaken the political left on the left lane at times, to steal their signature projects that way and occupy them herself. There is a reason why she is in her 16th year: the reason is she suffocates and erodes every opposition. The liberals/libertarians of the FDP are not libertarian anymore these days. The conservative Christians of CDU and CSU are neither conservative nor explicitly Christian anymore. The SPD is nothing anymore, and Die Linke is still the SED. With the exeception of the more and more Nazi-housing and hijacked-by-Nazis AfD, all parties in the Bundestag are state-socialists and planned-economy-theoresticists these days, and mind you, in the the end the Nazis were and are social and economical socialists and central-state fans as well. All parties with the exception of the AfD are pretty much the same by now, pro EU, pro Euro, pro-debt union, pro centralist state, pro planned economy, pro monmey destruction, they only differ in the ammount of shamelessness or shamefulness with which they openly admit or avoid to admit to be socialist and left: but socialist and left they all are. Its fair to say that all mentioned parties are rather wings of just one and the same party. The self-understanding of politicians is absolutely feudal and aristocratic.

I see it the same in the US, btw., and in most other European countries. I do not differ between Democrats and Republicans in the US that much, to me they are just two different wings of one and the same meta-party. If some people still say the cold war was lost by the socialist block, I can just bitterly smile. Socialism has never had such a rally as in the present. All the crows flock together to protect their selfish career and system interests. It seems to be the same like this, everywhere. Political REAL choice? Very, very very rarely to be seen and being real, mostly it is just fake show and false appearance.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 10-28-20 at 12:21 PM.
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