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Old 09-01-10, 11:16 AM   #15
Black Magic
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Originally Posted by Abd_von_Mumit View Post
Description would be to tell player what the automation script does or whatever else the author would need to include in it. This would serve user friendliness - I assume the number of user scripts will grow fast as time passes, and one day people will have too many of them to remember what each one of them is for (name is too short to include all details). As an example for my main script the value of Description would say something like:
Runs at TC x128 in NavMap mode,
every ~1 hour does a sonar scan at depth of 20 metres
then goes back to surface to fuel efficient speed,
intended to use in open waters for searching contacts.
Runs until stopped by user.
This would show on mouse hover in Automation window.

Print would just post a message in message box, for example I would add a line that says "New depth 20 metres", as for a reason I don't know Set_new_depth doesn't give a message in message box at all.

It could serve other purposes, like a script that reminds you every X hours to do something ("Herr Kaleun, time to clean the toilet Sir!", "Talk to Cook for another Special Meal", "Past Midnight, time to update your ChalkBoard!") and so on.

Another suggestion is: the message box info about a loop being started again is a bit of an immersion killer. Players use scripts, but do they want to be reminded about that in the message box?
I like the Print thing...I'll add a new command in Automation for this

Description I like also but it would fundamentally change the script parser....I'll see what I can do.

What I'll do about the start, stop, and loop message box messages from Automation is to define a user option so you can control if they are all displayed or not.
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