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Old 06-21-09, 11:47 AM   #7
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Doubt about "Entirely new game" - but some improvements have been made as some disadvantages also!

If anyone of Storm Eagle could read this - would be very appreciate if they could answer a few questions!

What about 6-inch guns in 1.5? Looks like they lost most of the power they had in prior version - which is sad! Those days 6" were much more common cannons to strip them out - I think. Is it because of Jutland engine?

Next - the camera control options are STILL UGLY! Please think about implementing predefined views on selected ship: "On course" - to quickly appear just above ship to draw a course line, "To enemy" - to see in direction ship fires, "Fleet" - to view entire fleet or division from high. Switching between these modes manually makes my head ache!

Also camera has unpredictable behavior too often - I click "Binoculars view" - and when I return back - camera often jumps to random direction - and like that.

Also, too hard to track down damages to enemy - you may spend an hour kicking enemy battleship - and it's still "light" - you see absolutely no progress! When it became moderate - it's about complete, but before it looks like your ships are beeing damaged quickly and enemy is undamaged. I understand - enemy's damage is invisible - but there are lots of things that may be seen from my own ships which could indicate enemy's damage.
Draw something like "Visible fires" or "Visiible damages" - it also may be made to enemy's guns - I can see that heavy metals don't fire to long - so I can assume - these guns are damaged. Which would be a great help!

Also it is not absolutely clear - why Japanese ships are SO powerfull than Russian? One Japanese battleship is worth at least(!) TWO of Russian's which is not quite correct. What does ship "armor level" means? It confuses! You may think about cruiser with armor 6 as about the same as enemy's with 7th armor - but in battle you see it's not!

Also when you play against computer - it looks like enemy ship's hit two or even three times often than yours! THIS IS ANNOYING! This happens no matter which side you play for. Computer advantage - I convinced - must be not so apparent.

And at the end I would like to THANK Storm Eagle's team for the REALLY GREAT GAME! Which could be even more better - if they would do what I've written here

Best regards,
Alex Smith, Russia
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