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Old 11-28-08, 07:55 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Count Sessine

I saw you posted over at the lighthouse forums as well and I think the good folks here deserve another point of view on Steel Fury. Your views on SF are unfair and unfounded. I don't understand why you think its not a serious sim.

I have been a professional reviewer for years and I see nothing in SF that doesn't point at the label 'hardcore sim'. The physis and operation of a WW2 tank are painstakingly accurate, the landscapes are modelled after the real thing (the Graviteam guys went on location to model them), and it has lots of bells and whistles in terms of sounds and sights.

Based on that, then what in the name of the simgods make you say it's an 'action' game?? Whats your problem with it, and what's up with the constant comparison with Steel Beasts?

Your comments are inappropriate and unaccurate. You have a right not to like it, but don't make it sound like its a piece of crap because it didn't pass 'THE SKYBIRD TEST', because then, my friend, you have a long way to go as a reviewer :-)
Before you accuse me of being unfair and unfounded, why don'T you just wait until you have read what I have to say about it, and read the reasons why I rate it that mediocre? So far you object to details in my review that you still do not know. I have my reasons why I am not impressed, and I mention them. I also explain why I see it as a game, not as an simulation. but you will have to wait until Neal have set up the text.

The problem I see with both tank games here is that many people are craving so desperately for a WWII-tanksim or tankgame that after years of starving they are willing to forgive a lot if only they finally get that tankgame for the WWII era they waited for so long. But that does not make the many problems with TvT go away, nor does it make SF less shallow in tactical depth and the way the missions play.

Of course you have all freedom in the world to disagree with my conclusions, and I am not attacking you for disagreeing. But so far you do not know what it is that you disagree with - you need to wait until the review is out. And if you like the game after having spend money on it, the better for you. But I do not, and I name my reasons - not here, but in the review. It's what I see as valid and solid reasons, and not just few of them.

And no, it is not because of SBP that I don't like SF - I bought SF hoping for the better even after the demo left me unimpressed, hoping for improvements, if you read my preview on basis of the demo you see that I already was careful. The planned chapter of a direct comparison with SBP I have left out in the final review, because it was pointless, the things that could be compared between two sims from two such different eras in case of SF simply were not there to the needed extent for giving any such comparison a meaning. But this also is explained in the review.


if you have read carefully you will have noted that Neal meanwhile has stepped back from some of his positive comments about TvT, and I know from himself that he is even angry both over the state the game is in, and about the behavior of the publisher. Neal had released a post short time after the review on TvT, that he was not aware of some of the massive problems the game had, especially with MP, and that it made him correct his first impressions. Just search for it. originally Neal wanted to do the official tanksim review for SF himself, but he told me that the game gives him "problems". That'S why I am jumping into the gap now. Originally and while I already was writing, my review was meant to be just an extenisve thread in this forum.

I'm sorry that I cannot meet expectations fans of the game have for a positive review, but you need to grant me the freedom to describe it as I see it - not like you want me to see it. I give my reasons in detail, and once you learned about them, you can chose whether or not you want to agree. But I am not in the business of supporting sales policies, nor do I accept an obligation to serve the interest of the pro-SF community when forming my opinion of the game'S quality. I tried to be objective, and with a clean conscience I claim: I succeeded in that.

If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 11-28-08 at 08:17 AM.
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