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Old 11-27-08, 06:08 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Navarre
I let move my comrades in a straight line onto the scanty existing opponents (like in ancient wars ) and after about 5-10 minutes of playing time, mission is reported successfully, total loss of enemies, my men are all alive, absent the ones I shot down for a test of friendly fire.
compare that to this part from my review:

"In the tactics department, this game disappoints. Tactics I never needed to win – just letting my force linearly move towards the objectives, and sooner or later they succeeded, no matter how unorganised and chaotic the scene was (on highest difficulty settings, there are several sliders to adjust this). "

Steel Fury looks beautiful for a tank game in this niche market but I find it half implemented in some cases of the game logic.
I call it different, I call it: broken AI. If it looks, feels and behaves broken, and another explanation is not available or not likely, then it probably is broken. But I am the known black bogeyman of unforgiving reviews anyway...
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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