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Old 11-27-08, 03:52 PM   #63
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I overworked a draft for a review after having played 16 missions until now. I gave it two notes: as a complex action game, I gave it a B or B-; as a simulation I gave it a D.


of course I know that people will suspect that I talk it down in order to let SBP shine, but believe me - I did not want and I even did not need to do so. As a sim it simply is no competition to SBP, in almost no way.

I let it rest now to see if over night something makes me changing my mind, but my interest to play on is almost nil, the past missions already were repetitive, and all very much the same, in good and bad. the most obvious difference is the changing ghraphics according to time of day.

If I do not see any need to start a massive rework, you have my 5200 word review tomorrow afternoon.

If you take SF as a light game and have not too high expectations, you can like SF. If you want a realistic sim, with the needed elements characterizing a simulation, SF is no serious player, imo. the simple fact that you can win almost all missions by doing nothing and just make sure you stay alive, and that after 24 hours I am already done with half of its missions and even had time to review it, speaks for itself.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 11-27-08 at 03:56 PM.
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