Thread: I hid!
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Old 11-18-08, 11:32 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by old_tex
It was night when I came upon the convoy, old split freighters, new freighters, and the ever-present destroyers. I sat at 200 feet and waited for the tin cans to go over. At periscope depth, I picked the nearest target, which happened to be an old freighter. I put one fish into her and set her ablaze. Then I turned my attention to the more recent vintage of supply mover. After sinking a couple, and with the DEs bearing down on me, I braced for the usual evasive tactics and the rain of depth charges. However, it struck me that I could use the old burning freighter as a shield. I maneuvered under her and came up to periscope depth very close along side (like parallel parking). The DEs circled and circled, but couldn't touch me. I waited as their circles became smaller and smaller. Finally, I was able to pick off two of them from my shelter under the old split freighter. Great! Old_tex
Old trick, hide amongst noise and ships of the convoy, surface in the middle of them and wreak havock, works well in large convoys just dont get run over :rotfl: In fact if you can manage to put them in between you and the escorts you might get another attack off.

By the way, next time work more than one target at a time
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