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Old 11-11-08, 03:08 AM   #54
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To be honest , whilst slaughtering convoys looks pretty its not really how the Japanese used their bb in ww2 (the germans initially yes). It is fun to fight task forces , and if they include the newer bb (iowa , KGV etc) they will give you a serious run for your money. As its is entirly possible to take an unlucky hit to the engine room which will knock out all your engines and your fuel. I do take your point though, this was ntended as an excersise in making surface ships more playable. The next step (for the campgaign anway) is in manipulating the controlable units and making more realistic objectives for the BBs such as attacking task forces (with ai backup) and possibly support simulated landings and that kind of thing. There still some very good missions with this ships in mind , and a couple written for peabodys fuso which with the permisison of the author ill post that have been modded for the yamato.
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