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Old 11-07-08, 12:14 AM   #11
Ace of the Deep
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I was practicing and actually killed something and evaded a fish at the hardest level tonight. I was pretty pleased with myself. But I suppose that it's the kilo that you don't hear that will kill you.

One thing I find very different from SC/DW is that you have a much better idea in this game of what an enemy weapon is doing.

In SC/DW, my idea of what they are doing falls into about four categories:

(1) Bearing rate is changing rapidly - meaning either it was not shot at me or if it was it has failed to track. I have gotten out of the cone of death or PK=1. What a relief!

(2) I running at flank; deaf and have no idea what the weapon is doing, but it feels good to still be alive.

(3) The weapon is pinging at a considerable distance and perhaps I can just quietly sneak off. Starting to sweat.

(4) The weapon is pinging loudly and the interval is rapidly compressing - Oh S**T!!! (famous last words)

It gets even more fun when there are fish all over the place and your BB display looks like a bowl of pasta!
War games, not wars! --- Only a small few profit from war (that should not stand)!
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