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Old 10-26-08, 07:17 PM   #320
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USSR Invades Britain.

Now for a lil backround:

After Germany fell Stalin liberated numerous Countries, putting Stalinist leaders in control, but not making them into Soviet puppet states, (germany surrenders event) Stalin soon began his "United Europe" Plan to Bring all these Stalinist Countries (and the Non Stalinist countries) into the Comiterm, in the Following Year he bought All except ChezchSolvakia (sp?) Albania, Luxemborg () Denmark, Swedenl, and Switzerland, all of which were conquered and annexed. The last of these conquests being Sweden which scared Finland and Norway into being accepted into the Comintern.

Soon Stalin set his sights of Spain, his diplomats and spies had been unable to even remotely persuade them to join the mighty USSR, 40 divisions were soon deployed there, (France being occupied by the USSR who hadn't returned the provinces back after germany fell)

Soon after the Invasion, Spain called to the UK for intervention, with support from Portugal who was afraid that Stalin would soon set his sights on them, and france, who wanted paris back. Churchill declared war on the Comintern.

Although they gained an early advantage, nearly liberating france and cutting off Spain, divisions were soon redeployed from near poland and it ended in a disastrous defeat for the allies, america losing numerous planes and all allies several divisions.

While Spain was being finished Stalin authorized the Invasion of Britain, and authorized the use of Nuclear weapons, both london and portsmouth were nuked, the attacks shocked britain to the very core and devastated coastal defenses in Portsmouth, allowing for an easy landing.
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