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Old 10-22-08, 12:47 AM   #15
Posts: n/a

A diving alarm off a WW2 Sub. They were going to take out an old decommissioned sub for target practise and the powers that be said anyone could have whatever they wanted off the boat. I was on the USS Carp(SS338) at the time. I went straight for the diving alarm (actually 2 of them) and was leaving with my treasures when an officer from my boat saw them and told me some bull**** about how I had to give them to him. He said to leave them on his bunk so I did but after thinking about it I was so pissed I went and took one back. you tell me is that stealing? Anyway I still have it. I used to crank it up at midnight on new years eve when I was a little younger. You could hear it for a block or 2.

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