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Old 09-19-08, 01:32 PM   #1092
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hello OLC,

thank you very much for your detailed answer and I am sorry to tell you, that I will not need it, because now i am fully satisfied with OLCE2.

in the morning I made a test mission (only 1 destroyer and me) in which the destroyer never attacked me, even if the distance was smaller than 200m. they seem to sleep and I thought, OLCE2 was the reason for that.

now i found the true reason: in my test mission I created a CONVOY by adding two merchants, with the destroyer as the group leader. now i saw a totally different behavior! the destroyer saw and attacked me. perhaps, a single destroyer without convoy is programmed to be passive or sleeping??

i ran the mission several times under exactly the same conditions with GWX16km and OLCE2 in order to see, if there is a significant difference. and i wrote down:

a) my distance from the destroyer, when the visibility indicator turned red for the first time and

b) the distance, when the destroyer began to attack me

here the results (average values from 10 test runs):

GWX16km: a) = 2600m and b) = 1900m
OLCE2: a) = 1400m and b) = 800m

(1940 / midnight / calm sea / several weather conditions = medium)

that is exactly what I wanted to see. and old pedant is fully satisfied now and is finally ready to play after months of testing mods and making minor mods by himself......i am tired now and instead of editing the scene.dat, i will start my first career.......

one last word: I put my test mission into the naval academy folder, because from there loading times are much shorter than with normal missions. so intensive testing is no problem.....perhaps you didn't know that?

have a good evening.....
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