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Old 09-14-08, 02:12 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Frame57
Any opportunity to attack someones religion huh guys? Why bother to post such snide remarks when the man simply asked for prayer for his friends. You should be ashamed of yourselves!
And who's religion was being attacked? You create McCain's campaign ads or is it simply coincidental that you make things up, throw the "stuff" against the wall and "pray" something sticks??

I suggest that you see the original post of the thread. He spent 6 words asking for prayers for his friend and then included a full paragraph from HIS FRIEND who went on at comparative length discussing the reason such prayer is necessarry. That description of events on the ground in Bolivia is a legitimate part of this thread.s initial post.

If he did not want comments about the description regarding the events in Bolivia that were the motivation in his request for prayers... to somehow "change" the facts on the ground there... then he should have left those comments out of the original post.

I responded to that portion of the original post and stand by my comments. I also stand by the fact that my comments were relative and proper tp the original post. You may disagree but please spare me your dubious indignation that I have been somehow improper.

All he asked for was a little prayer, eh? I suppose you missed this part then.

Rocky just sent me this email yesterday:

Men of faith,

We could well be entering civil war. 20,000 Cuban regulars backed by Venezuelan advisers are on the ground. Russian support is in the waters of Venezuela. According to the Swiss Embassy there were 40 trucks of Bolivian Army personnel cut off when Bolivian opposition blew a bridge. Bolivian opposition is boasting a 60,000 man militia. The death toll continues to rise as fighting is reported to be going on in the northern department of Pando, Boliva.
You ask that I NOT respond to the comments posted DIRECTLY from the man we are supposed to pray for as he describes the reasons that such prayers are needed? That is a little selective, don't you think?

Originally Posted by Sailor Steve
I ceased to be a praying man years ago, but I do sincerely hope it turns out alright for him. And that's all I'll say on this thread.
I'll pray. I'll keep Rocky in mind and hope that he stays safe. But I will also work for change to prevent these situations from spreading and engulfing more than just Rocky or just Bolivia. I'm kind of a pragmatic sort of guy.

To the original thread starter- thanks for bringing this issue to the forefront. It deserves more attention on the nightly news because it has been very quiet concerning events in Bolivia these days.

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