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Old 09-14-08, 01:20 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Sailor Steve
Originally Posted by JoeCorrado
Pray for a change in Washington- pray for Obama to be elected president.
Equally insensitive. Do we have to bring our personal politics into this?
The leader of the free world... is a politician.

Hate to break it to you but the next president will decide the direction of our country and perhaps that of Bolivia as well-

What we have today in Washington is the reason that these things like Bolivia are happening in our own back yard so to speak while "our attention" is focused half way around the world and on countries like Georgia instead of countries like Bolivia.

It is a matter of policy and the policy has been wrong headed and our countries focus and attention has been misplaced.

We could well be entering civil war. 20,000 Cuban regulars backed by Venezuelan advisers are on the ground. Russian support is in the waters of Venezuela. According to the Swiss Embassy there were 40 trucks of Bolivian Army personnel cut off when Bolivian opposition blew a bridge. Bolivian opposition is boasting a 60,000 man militia. The death toll continues to rise as fighting is reported to be going on in the northern department of Pando, Boliva.

The "civil war" that you speak of is of a "political nature" so please- do not accuse me of bringing my politics into the debate when the thread is clearly one of politics, and of praying. I urge both... pray for a change and MY preferred change starts in Washington with our own commander in chief.

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