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Old 09-11-08, 07:06 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins
Cool! Advertising for material. Hope you come up with some good stuff. The more the merrier. We're not limited to two stations either. If we come up with stuff that isn't compatible with the two we have mostly put together, it's perfect for making additional stations. If you send material that's used, you get credit. This credit can be exchanged for conning tower upgrades, new laser cannon and an all female crew for your U-Boat. Torpedo, los!
all female crew. .. if they wear bikinis and dont look like Wagner Opera Characters you are on, get your 3D modders on it,

Tell your crew I need those gals for a trip to Aruba one of this days...
Pacific Thunder Campaing VIII-Retired

"Left on their own, engineers can be dangerous"
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