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Old 08-31-08, 05:08 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by peabody
Originally Posted by WEBSTER
first time i got around to trying a playable ship

a few questions though, i was wondering if the lack of range finder was done on purpose and if so why? i mean they would have someone to calculate a range estimate so blindly shooting isnt the way it was done.

how do you use the other AA turrent? i tried clicking on the AA gun again but it doesnt change position.
Hope you like it. As for lack of range finder, since I am a 'beginner' I don't have a clue what you mean. edit: I was just thinking, would that be the UZO or TBT? If it is I thought it was used for targeting for torpedos. If that is what you mean, it is a simple matter to add one. Didn't put it in because I need a torp tube to make the boat work, but if you fire it, your ship blows up.:rotfl:. So if that is what you are talking about, let me know, I'll make sure to add it.

yes the uzo, i use it to get range estimate for deck guns then adjust from there.

the binoculars dont show the range on its screen so its hard to judge a starting range.

the AA gun, im using 1.5 with no other mods and i only have 1 AAgun button
next to my deck gun button.

as for the mod, yes i like it a lot.

one suggestion though, simply remove all torpedos, by having zero inventory, you cant accidentally shoot one because you dont have any.

also since your using deck guns at long range you should double the zoom level on deck gun sight so its visual sight can see the ships your shooting way off on the horizon, as it is now they are barely visable to me yet im under fire from them so i think that needs to be looked at.

also what do you mean when you say "I wish I knew more about doing damage on these things but unfortunately I don't." what kind of damage? hit points and armor or ship damage modeling?
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