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Old 08-30-08, 02:12 AM   #69
Sailor man
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Haha! Nice to hear an endorsement from a genuine submariner, even one from across the pond - this sceptred isle's senior service has a long-running rivalry with you damned colonials over who's best (and naturally I'm partisan) . The medical condition's asthma, incidentally - can't imagine it being a problem on a Trafalgar or a Resolution, but who am I to argue with Her Majesty's Government eh? Although I do wonder if there's a similar group of the Naval Submarine League in old Britannia... hrm...

Anyroad (to get back to the subject) - correct me if I'm wrong, but trim angle adjustment is the process of altering the submarine's angle relative to the horizontal by flooding and blowing ballast tanks through her length, hence the vast numbers of polished sea-cocks on that old Foxtrot at Liverpool (which, sadly, has now been sectioned by being cut in two - what a fate for a poor old warrior like her), right? I always figured it was modelled in the game's diving/rising mechanics, rather than relying solely on the planes.

Interestingly, I seem to remember that the SC Akulas would adopt quite steep dives if you were going fast enough - orders to "set depth four hundred metres" (when running at, say, 120m) issued at 25 knots usually produced an angle of about 20 degrees, if memory serves. DW's boats seem rather more reluctant to nosedive, and I have often wondered if this is a limitation in the game engine. Maybe it also precludes crash-diving, something I've often sorely missed when some twat in an Orion is ploughing towards me and my boat's diving with all the urgency of a bag full of helium.

I've also noticed the auto-crew being of various degrees of suck; they're noticeably reluctant to classify anything as anything until they've popped out of an escape hatch to inspect its bloody hull number, which is very handy when you're pretty sure there are two or three 688s nearbvy and they refuse to make them anything more substantial than "that bit of noise in the ocean, tovarishch Kapitain". And let's not get started on those useless bloody radar operators...
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