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Old 08-27-08, 05:24 PM   #8
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by fishfood
Is there a method whereby I could open a cfg file and manipulate a value for the explosions, sinking rate, etc. rather than installing a full mod? Never really tweaked a game and I am not a computer guy so the mods skeer me .
yes its fairly easy to do. download the "silent 3ditor" tool, it is THE main tool for all modding. then instal "JSGME" tool, it is THE mod install and uninstall tool. next, before you mod anything, make a backup copy of your entire unmodded "Data" folder and save it to disk so you can restore corrupted game files. (this is often needed no matter how carefull you are)

the files you are looking for are the files with the "dat" suffix, these are the ones that mainly control animations. if you are talking about making torpedo explosions smaller they are in the data / library folder. inside you will see torpedos files but these are the german ones, the US files are called torpedos_US. if your looking to change the ship explosions they are located somewhere else but be aware when you change something like that it can look great with one ship and totally crappy with another so test many ships to decide the best explosion you like.

as others have said, post in the sh4 mods thread and you will get all the help and instruction you need to do this. feel free to elaborate all you want to but when your ready to ask questions just keep them short and to the point for best results.
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