Thread: AOD Still Rocks
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Old 08-21-08, 03:48 PM   #11
Ace of the Deep
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AOD does atomosphere and game play really, really well. Of course, it looks like a cartoon, but subsimming is a state of mind ... otherwise unlike flight simming which should be an awesome panorama.

I've always found modded SH3 to have some amazing acoustic sensitivity that probably is not reasonable. AOD is much better in this regard. You can maneuver, dive deep, and slip by a screen (with the convoy mainly coming to you). Modded SH3 gives escorts passive detection capabilities that any modern navy would be proud of today.

Certain convoy behaviors in AOD are much better. Convoys will zig every few hours and around Sun set and rise. It can be really hard at times to approach. Modded SH3 saw improvements in course changes more than previously, but you can still draw a straight line and often find them 10 hours later.

The are other areas where SH3 is weak ... LOS and visibility behavior. I've covered that elsewhere. Additionally, poke up a scope and watch the escorts not follow any fire discipline and shoot the each other to pieces as they target your scope. Another thing which is amusing is escorts blowing themselves up on their own DCs.

SH3 (and mods) is great, but if you can look past the cartoon graphics of AOD, you will find a gem of a game waiting for a serious sub captain to take the helm.
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