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Old 08-04-08, 12:41 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Fincuan
Thanks to DCG you can fly Spifires in any campaign you like. DCG allows you to add, remove and change squadrons in existing campaigns. I'm not very familiar with this feature and don't remember the exact procedure, but I was able to add a P-38 squadron to a New Guinea campaign with about 5 minutes of fiddling. See the DCG FAQ and forums for more details:

Another way to get to fly Spits, or against Spits, is to join our online coops when we tackle Britain. That'll be in a few weeks, since the Low Countries are almost done and I doubt France will be much harder. Link to the campaign is in my sig. We normally fly Luftwaffe, but players can choose any side they want.

edit: A quick look at the DCG forums revealed that you've found them already
Right about now, I reckon Paul is wishing I'd just **** off.
And I'm tempted to oblige him! This DCG thing has so many problems that the stock campaign generator is starting to sound really good...

I should have specified - I want to fly Spits, and I want to fly them somewhere they actually flew! I like my so-called "historical accuracy"

So, even ignoring the other DCG problems, it's ability to add Spits to a campaign they don't belong in is of little use to me. But thanks anyway for the tip!

Co-op campaign sounds fun. What sort of campaign is it? Stock or DCG? And what map does it use for Britain?
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