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Old 06-30-08, 10:30 AM   #1
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Default Some nasty and strange behavior without damage

Hi there,
I'm fan of SH since SilentHunter came out.
With the actually one, I've some problems.

Here comes the story:
I have TMO, RSRD, OM and some "DasBoot" soundmods from SH3 installed. I wanted to attack a Liberty Freighter on the US East Cost. I made the fire solution for Range, BowAngle, and Speed by clicking the apropriate Icons. All went fine. Shoot Tube 1 and 2 and then... forgot to click the -button a fourth time to get the solution to the tdc... well, fired tubes 3 to 6... all of them went under the liberty cargo, but the depth was at 3meters...
I fired tube 7 and 8 and the same again...

So the first question: Why are these **** damn "Aal"'s going under my target? Do britain have expanded polystyrene onboard so the target have only 1meter depth?

So I blowed out the water, got to surface and tried to attack the Liberty with my good old 10,2cm, with wich I've sunk some destroyers back in sh3...

And there comes the second question: Why isn't the gun manned even when the button is lit? I have to manually assign some persons to the gun. Is there a human workaround? (I don't want to hire some diving equipment for my crew.

Finally I sunk the Liberty, but got some hits in my ass. But the damage could be repaired (the propulsion propellers in 50meters for example!). But strange behavior occured after them:
underwater I haven't had any working engine? the propellers stand still. nothing worked... and my rear began to sunk...??? After some time and 90 meters depth I have had a diving angle of 30 degree rear down? What is this??? My Hull damage was 2 and all other was ok.

So, maybe someone could help me?

Thanks and please forgive my bad english...
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