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Old 05-31-08, 05:01 AM   #69
Ace of the Deep
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Default Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB

The 54th NEW Harpoon scenario in the last 12 months!

Shadow the Boomer

After several vicious carrier battles in the Barents Sea and with the ground war stalemated in the Nordic winter, negotiations started to end the war. Both parties observed a cease-fire, which held surprisingly well in the first week.

However, NATO feared Putin would make use of the cease-fire to bring his boomers to bastions prepared in the Barentz Sea. USN and Royal Navy hunter-killer subs were sent to stake out Severomorsk and be prepared to shadow SSBNs exiting the harbour.

Author: Freek Schepers

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1) Enjoy creating it
2) Enjoy playing it
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4) Enjoy helping others create them

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