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Old 05-26-08, 04:49 AM   #1
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Default Just installed: Strange Wave Behavior

I purchased and isntalled the U-Boat Missions add on, and now the motion of the waves has changed. When the sub is standing still everythign is fine, but if the sub (or the camera) go in motion the waves seem to have an extra movement which is a bit hard to describe. It's almost as if if the ocean is made out of jello ... it's a sort of undulating bounce which is a bit subtle but definately makes everything look wrong. In general, the wave action also seems to be a bit faster than on 1.4.

Again, hard to describe, and a search of the forum seems to tell me that no one else is having this problem. I've got the latest Nvidia drivers, and I had 1.4 working just great and looking beautiful.

I've tried changing a lot of the settings to see if there's any likely culprits. My firs guesswas that Vsync would be the problem (like maybe what I was seeing was tearing because of having Vsync forced off?) but switching back and forth between Vsync on and off has no impact on the issue.

Any ideas? Has there been any mention of an issue from anyone else?
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