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Old 05-10-08, 07:15 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by Nisgeis
OK, this is sounding stranger by the minute.

Karbo has trouble with the 1.5 and PE3, but with random crashes,
Icecold has stock 1.5 trouble, when taking damage and Doolittle has a bit of troubole with stock and more with PE3 when taking damage. This is not looking like one problem with PE3... hmmm.

For explosion related crashes, there are two possibilities. There are the particle effects to consider and also the sound effects. I think PE3 has altered sound effects as well, though not sure about that.

For Doolittle, to see if it's the particle explosion effects, there are two files we can remove to bypass the new effects. If you take /data/library/particles.dat and /data/library/materials.dat out of the PE3 mods and then install them, you should get the stock particle effects, but everything else intact. If that doesn't crash, we'll know it was a contributing factor, if it doesn't then it's possibly the sound of the explosion being played that makes it go bang. To test that it should be enough to just uncheck all the sound options. Though as you are only getting the trouble in external views, it's likely they are particle related.

For Icecold can you try turning all the sound off by unchecing all the boxes? If it's a sound issue, that may explain why you are getting crashes on the internal view when you take damage. By the way, what's BSE2?

Karbo, sorry nothing new to try except the above, random crashes are going to be hard to troubleshoot.
Sorry dont know why i typed that... i ment PE2.
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