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Old 05-10-08, 04:03 PM   #12
Capt Jack Harkness
Samurai Navy
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Ha, no that's not correct. I can't state numbers at the moment because we haven't come to an agreement on what we can put in the game.

The game will be centering on the pacific and it's surrounding coutries including the western USA and eastern China, Russia, etc. Bear in mind, however, that this is only what is planned for the initial release. I can't say much about it, but we are partnering with another team that has similar goals for a game taking place in the middle east and eventually both of our games will expand to cover most all of the planet and most of the countries (of course, that's our LONG term goal).

Most vessels will either be modelled by scratch or purchased from modelling companies, although we will try to have the Kitty Hawk in game. Ideally, we will have all ships of the included classes available, so long as they are in an applicable fleet.

Once more work gets completed for the naval division, I'm going to start a naval-specific BattleCry thread on Crymod where things like this can be discussed, so check there when you can.
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