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Old 05-10-08, 02:46 PM   #12
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Murder most foul!

Well, not quite, but time will tell. I had no problems with SP3 till I shutdown my PC, I started it up later in the day and I heard a clicking sound on my HD, now from past experience I know that when that happens that means the HD is in it's death throws but ignored it thinking it was just a fluke. Well, today I boot up the system and I got the clicking again but it was persistant and I get an error saying the system can't boot. Well, after starting up and shutting down several times with the same problem, I opened up my tower and wiggled the wires as a last attempt and started up and although I heard a click, the system booted.

Luckly, I did a system save before installing SP3, so I rolled back and shut down my computer, well it started up minus the clicking. I can only hope that the damage wasin't perminant but I suppose I'll find out the next time I reboot my PC to see if the clicking has really disapeard.
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