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Old 05-08-08, 12:00 AM   #66
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I choose to say nothing rather than belittle someone, especially innocent bystanders and moderators who do deserve some respect. At the least you could have said what you did with pm's rather than publicly try to embarrass those to whom you were communicating with, including the OP.

Who is to say or prove if your tactic is what got the OP his help or if everyone involved simply chose to be helpful rather than chastising the OP?

Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Not ALL questions are best answered by a google search.

As a former Sergeant in the U.S.M.C. who graduated 2nd in a class of over 200 at NCO school and received 4 meritorious promotions while on active duty I know a little bit about leadership.

Erroneous assumptions only prove ignorance.

My hat is off to all those who chose to help the OP rather than read him the riot act. I stayed away from the thread until the problem was resolved as I had no desire to interfere with the help being given (didn't want to hijack the thread).

For the record RR, I was informed of your original reply to my first post in this thread via a pm from another member here at who was either a friend of yours trying to instigate some kind of negative response from me or a previously unknown friend of mine who thought I might want to "defend" myself. Either way, I wasn't going to hijack this thread or respond with some kind of juvenile insult. I won't lower myself.

Now I am done speaking on this tactic of yours for good and will refuse to address it in any way in the future either publicly or via pm. Have more productive things to do with my time.

I think it is safe to assume that my efforts to convince you of the error of your position on this matter will be poorly received, let alone accepted. Please feel free to prove my ignorance. Try letting your actions speak louder than your sermons from the pulpit, you'd be surprised. Unless of course you presume to know everything, and couldn't possibly have anything to learn, from anyone.

The ball is now in your court, your move "sir".

All due respect,

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