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Old 05-06-08, 12:57 PM   #10
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by Subnuts
I'm already seeing copies of Scorpion Down (and we all know how I felt about that book - I heard from a secondary source that my review on this site apparently upset the author! :rotfl showing up at Salvation Army, so I suppose someone has to keep the bandwagon from slowing down, huh?

But seriously folks. Look at the wreck of the Scorpion. The bow is the only part that's still intact, and the rest has suffered massive implosion damage. That basically implies that the bow was completely flooded before the sub passed it's crush depth. Not a single sign of a torpedo impact, or the Jumbotron-sized hole you'd expect from 250 to 500 kilograms of high explosive going off against the hull.

But why let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory?
I agree. The public's obsession with conspiracy theories just depresses me to no end. Why can't they just accept that something mundane may have caused the tragedy? Instead, people want something involving massive coverups, UFO's, Elvis, JFK - you get the idea.

nikimcbee, for a good non-conspiratorial account of the sinking, try "Silent Steel", by Stephen Johnson. If I'm not mistaken his theory is that the sub flooded through a faulty garbage disposal unit and lost buoyancy. Aside from the book, Johnson wrote a biting article about how conspiracy theorists have spun the sinking (unfortunately I don't have the link).
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