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Old 05-06-08, 06:33 AM   #515
Maverick Modder
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Originally Posted by Kravixon
Well, I'm glad you seem to have the time to write elaborate rants and insults when creative feedback is given. Perhaps a "jolley good I'll continue work on another version" would be good feedback from a developer instead of "bollocks".
Herein lies your mistake. You think I'm a developer! I'm not. I'm a person. Go and think about it really hard.

Originally Posted by Kravixon
Just because one is new to a project or forum does not give you the right to begin flaming new participants who are trying to help spur creativity.
There you go again with that word... creative. And both times you have used it to describe you? So let me get this right... I'm the "developer" and you're the "creative" person ...uhuh... this is starting to sound familiar.

Originally Posted by Kravixon
I will, obviously, continue my own usage of various modifications in the manners I choose.

I hope you both will continue your good work in support of the community instead of in a spirit of hating outsiders and new recruits.
So you're new. Well, hang around for a while and you'll see that I react to such comments equally badly regardless of whether they come from members new or old.
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