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Old 04-30-08, 02:02 PM   #67
Ace of the Deep
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Default Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB

The 46th NEW Harpoon scenario in the last 12 months!

Sea King to Chile Incident

One of the most mysterious events of the war happened on May 16th, when a Sea King was found burning and abandoned near Punta Arenas airbase. The British claimed a 500nm navigation error but, after the war, it became clear that SAS Special Forces had been planning a raid to take out the Exocet-armed Super Etendard aircraft which had sunk Sheffield and Atlantic Conveyor. Speculation on the nature of this operation still ranges from SAS-Hercules aircraft landing on Rio Grande airbase in order to destroy the planes on the ground to the setting up of covert radar facilities to provide early warning for the fleet.

Fact is that Chile felt it was the next target of the Argentine junta and, therefore, open to cooperation with the British.

Author: Freek Schepers

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