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Old 03-22-08, 07:12 PM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2007
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I did it, after I got my battle damage repaired, I saw 4 convoys on the map, luckily I chose the right one. Sent the aux cruiser after one of the others and sent a Pocket Battleship to come and assist me, my crew spotted the convoy and I lined up for an attack. At about 1300m I sent 3 torpedoes into the Huge Liner and I must say I had never seen so many life rafts on the water before lol.
4 destroyers came after me, I managed to sink one with a homing torpedo but couldnt do anything about the others but dodge the darn cans hehe.
After about 2h being DC'd to hell I saw a message that a friendly unit had just destroyed an enemy ship. I went to the map and was completely surprised that the Pocket Battleship arrived and saved my ass. He sent the remaining 2 cargo ships and 3 destroyers to the bottom and aparently was destroyed but she was still afloat when I saw her for the last time after the battle ended.
All in all mission accomplished and I guess another bug to report.

I took a bunch of screenshots from when I was running on just a single diesel engine cause all electrical engines were shot and the other diesel aswell. got a screenie from the liner going down and tons of rafts all over the place and I have another one from the final battle with the Pocket Battleship pounding everything.
If you guys would like to see them just ask and I'l upload them.

Thanks for all the help
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