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Old 03-19-08, 06:37 AM   #1
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Default Some info on "hero skills"

From what I can see, green icons denote "passive" skills that are active at all times and do not run out. Yellow icons are skills that are limited in time and scope, and need to be activated.

The ones I have tried so far are the green propeller icon that adds surface and submerged speeds. Each hero with the icon boosts speed by about 1.5. Ive experimented with multiples of the same skill, and it seems they can be stacked. Ive had 4+ heros with the skill and my surface speed was a steady 25 knots.

Second hero skill I like is the green headset icon. It seems meaningless at face value, but with experimentation I found that each hero with the skill adds approximately 5% to 10% increase in spotting friendly and enemy convoys and ships. It also seems to stack, as having 4+ of the same skill allowed me to see all convoys and individual ships, in real time, all the time, for 1 grid square in each direction at full zoom out. Thats pretty damn impressive.

Another I tried was the green deck/flak gun skill. It looked to me to have no effect at all.

The only yellow skill I have come to like is the torpedo loading skill that halves loading time. I keep 2 on board and using both at the same time can fully reload all tubes in seconds.

Anyone else has info, feel free to add your 2 cents.
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