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Old 02-26-08, 07:03 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Doolittle81
Originally Posted by AkbarGulag
This MOD is designed for SH4 + 1.4 Patch, and is JSGME ready. More seemless versions may/may not appear for use in larger MOD's. Regardless of this, it will work with most mods available, as the main changes that would cause conflict are in the Roster/Names.cfg file. The Bomb file aslo has changes. Any MOD that tries to alter aircraft ranges will also come into conflict.

If you are a user who feels confident with their ability to alter files and would like to use this with a larger MOD, then a list of Names to add to the roster and their location follow. ....

...It is suggested that if another MOD asks you to replace the Bombs file, or wants this one to overwrite the other, then it would be prefferable to use the air layer file. ....

A special thanks also to the man of few words, Lurker_hlb3 who saved us from falling over more than once, and amongst other things, is a pure genius. Thanks mate

Hmmm... Since Lurker is the RSRDC Kingpin, does this mean that this Air Layer Mod will work with RSRDC...????
...OR, if one is using RSRDC should one install/enable this Air Layer Mod on top of (after) RSRDC, and allow overwrites....????

Currently "NOT" recommended on top of RSRDC (any version).

There are changes to the "stock" SH4 Aircraft that will cause a CTD. These changes are IRT the .cfg files and the "weapons" loadouts. Because these weapons loadouts are used in some of the campaign layers, if you current mission comes into contact with the IJN aircraft with these “loadouts” it’s going to crash the game.
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