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Old 02-02-08, 12:43 PM   #1699
Bilge Rat
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Default First Contact

[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']So after waiting months on the sidelines I finally pick up SHIV. Being a veteran of SHIII I decide that reading the manual and playing stock SH is for girls, so I promptly load up RFB + ROW + NSM+ RSRDC and launch my war on the Japanese. First Patrol assignment, Right of the coast of Honshu.... hmmm... well it can't be that tough, who's afraid of the Japanese anyway?... it's not like they just sunk 1/2 the Pacific Fleet or anything. SO I make it to my patrol zone and come across a convoy. It's moving fast and I'm getting the vibe that it's military. I think I see a carrier or 2 in the horizon. I resolve to shadow the convoy at high speed, get in front and cut in for the attack submerged. Unfortunately I get detected and have to go deep sooner than I thought. 3 escorts converge on me [/font]

I manage to give them the slip but it's cost me precious time I end up needing to fire from about 4000. I up periscope to see 1 CVE , 2 CVs, 3 CAs a fleet oiler and a ring of about 8 escorts , I love RSRDC. Now in SHIII I always used the Weapons Officer for the solution and now I have no weapons officer. so this was my first manual attack in SH ever except for trying to put some torps into Mogami in training. I launch a spread of 6 torps at the CVE,

Mixed results, I get a dud on the CVE and curse at the screen, but my misses end up putting a torp amidships into the fleet oiler and about 25% from the bow of the Shokaku. I think to myself well, at least I've bagged a tanker, and the CV should be in dry dock for a few months. But quite the opposite happens. The tanker proceeds at 3-4kts while the Carrier slowly lists and comes to a stop.

I love NSM!

With the CV stopped and the list so bad that the deck is awash I put two more torps into her to finish the job. one hits a submerged AA barbette and the others prox fuse dets too early, no effect!

I Hate NSM!

finally I go to her stern and put one under her keel which causes instantaneous sinking. I think she just needed one more pint of water in her.

On with the patrol!

Last edited by Painless42; 02-02-08 at 03:42 PM.
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