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Old 01-23-08, 09:27 PM   #1
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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SUBSIM Meeting 2008

Ok, I've gotten some interest in holding another Subsim meeting in Galveston. We had a successful meeting here in 2004, we had 30 people show up from the US and Europe, we had a special guest (Kelly Asay, President of Tesseraction Games, producer of Enigma: Rising Tide), we were given a great presentation by Capt. Zeb Alford, commanding officer of the USS Shark and USS Sam Houston, we spent the night aboard a WWII submarine, toured a dreadnought battleship, got to help Sharky shop for shoes, got blasted out of our bunks by the Dutch Gang, and we did a lot of fun stuff. Including the first ever look at Silent Hunter III in all its glory in a closed door session. Plus, we just had a ton of fun getting to know each other in person.

So, I'm interesting in finding out how many people we can get for another meeting, Oct 9-12. If we can get enough firm committments, I will begin preparations in July.

2008 Subsim Meet reservation form
Sign up here.

This meeting will include some of the stuff we did the last time and some new stuff:

2008 Meeting Prelim Agenda

There will be special guests with a closed door session of an upcoming subsim, you won't want to miss that. Details to come.

Let's see how many people we can sign up. You Europeans & Canadians should be here in droves, with our weak dollar and cheap travel, you have no excuse not to attend this one.

Send me your City and I'll add it to the map.

2008 SUBSIM Meet World Map

Come on, amigo. I will provide transportation from the airports to your hotel (I'll be the guy with the lighthouse shirt, ya know), and help you manage on the ground. Plus make sure you know it's ok to pass on the right in Texas, how to avoid scorpions, and show you where Santa Anna gave up Texas to Sam Houston.

Links to the previous Sub Meets
2003 London
2004 Galveston
2005 Amsterdam


Last edited by Onkel Neal; 07-10-08 at 12:04 PM.
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