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Old 01-20-08, 08:03 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by kiwi_2005
When XP came out people said the same thing except the ram difference was 256mb ram for XP most had 64mb or 128 but when service pack 1 then two came out 256 was not enough. XP was buggy as hell, this is a sht os give me Windows98se anyday while the techs stayed with ( and some still do) Windows 2000 Professional.
In fact Win2k with service pack 4 beats XP pro hands down - gaming wise XP wins.

Dont be scared its only an OS give Vista time and it will be stable as, with 2gigs its stable enough as it is but it can be better i admit. What do we expect its MS all their OS's come out screaming like a baby.
I really cannot see that the two situations with both OS' start and first year in any way compare. The situation and general acceptance with XP improved. Also, with Vista it remains to stay at it's intial low. Also, XP, after one year or so, and the first SP, found growing acceptance. I cannot see an argument to say the same about Vista. I can also refer to a salesman at Saturn (an electronic store chain, one of the two market leaders in Germany, behind Media market which is market leader europe-wide), who told me 8 or ten motnhs ago that Vista lies on the shelöves like bars of lead - and so far that has not changed. It is not wanted, and what Vista they sell, to the greatest part gets sold as preinstalled Vista on Laptop and complete systems. what he said to me short before christmas was this: that over the year the number of complaints and returns has constantly climbed - it is not a rare event that people upgrade to XP.

Also, a substantial majority of business avoids if not boycotts Vista. I wonder why. Obviously it does not offer them enough, and/or is considered to be too risky.

Swim or sink? I dare say it already lies peacefully on the bottom. as subman's cionstant posts suggest, even Bill seem to have lost faith in Vista's bright future.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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