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Old 01-17-08, 05:31 AM   #1647
Sailor man
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Default sea triales

Moin Moin Kaleuns

Does anyone know the crush depth of the Balao-class-submarine?:hmm:
I have the trigger-maru-mod on my SH IV.
Yesterday, after 3 houres of depthcharging I got destoyed from two destroyers. That was a realy ugly time, I had. Because of damage I got prevously, I was limmited to aprox. 250 ft diving depth. I just coulnt get away.
After this I went to a new campaign.
I got a new construction out fo Mare Island, Cal.
My first mission was to get to sea trials to test my new Balao-class-sub. First thing was a shallow dive test with some manövering and exercises to pull the crew together. We did some crush-dive-manoevers and some depthchanging exercises. Than we surfaced and got new orders, to proseed to a new pos. to do a deep-dive-test.
We got there and prepared to dive, when there came new info for the deep-dive-test.
We should go to test depth, and then go deeper. I was told that the first signs of to much stress to the pressure hull would show in the connig tower.
So we dived and went to test depth, to 400 ft.
Then we got deeper. At 450 ft the depthmeter was at the max, so I had to do it with the diveplanes. We went deeper 10 ft for 10 ft, to 500 ft, then to 550 ft, and to 600 ft. At 597 ft someone warnt me, “We are to deep”, but I couldn’t make out any signs of the sayed “to much stress to the pessure hull” in the conning tower, so we went deeper. By now the sub was, throuh the pressure of the water so heavy, that we couldn’t maintain depth with diveplanes at rise on the max and ahead 1/3 on the engines. We had to use ahead standard, to maintain depth. But because we were to go deeper still, we did it with ahead 1/3. The sub drew deeper at a speed of aprox. 8 ft/min. We reaged 610 ft, than 620 ft and so on. The sounds of the creacks of the pressure hull got louder and more frequently. But we went deeper still, untill evetualy at 661 ft the lights begunn to flicker, and I new this was the beginning of the end. So I hit the emergncy surface button and got the engines to flank.
We reaged 11 knotes during the emergency surfacing manöver.
As we surfaced, we got new ordes to intercept a destroyer to test my abillety to track any targets that could reach me through mail.
After this test we finished ouer first day of triales and went to port for the night. We reached the habour at 10:30 pm an went strait to bed.
Tomorrow more of my seatriales if there is any interest.
Greets Indy from germany

Here two pics from this trial

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