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Old 01-01-08, 02:45 AM   #35
Ace of the Deep
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Default New additions to the PlayersDB

We've released a new version of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB. Today’s date is 08-01-01, so the new edition is PlayersDB 8.1.1

Why have we done this? Why not just continue to add new platforms to previous PlayersDB editions like we've always done? This release adds a powerful new feature to help both novice players and veterans alike. Harpoon 3 has been unique in its ability in utilizing customized ready times for aircraft instead of a standard 30 or 60 minute re-arming period. Unfortunately, databases are unable to display this information to the player. Today, this exclusive function has been added to the PlayersDB so that every loadout for every aircraft will now display the exact number of minutes required for that aircraft to re-arm. This change was made specifically to accommodate all the requests received from new players and has been implemented through the use of the Official AGSI Harpoon ANW Database editor.

In order to take advantage of this valuable new function, scenarios must be re-built with this version or else the function will not be activated. Rather than run the risk of messing up someone's prior work, we've released a new version. Just continue to use the PlayersDB version specified by the scenario designer and everything will run exactly as written by the author.

Get the PlayersDB-ANW on GameSquad, HarpDB, SubSim, or HarPlonkHQ.

Get the PlayersDB on GameSquad, HarpDB, or SubSim, HarPlonkHQ.

The unique features and advantages of the PlayersDB remain unchanged and include:
  • A design philosophy of "Never delete - only append" .

    No more crash concerns due to rock-solid stability.

  • Ships, planes, and subs have been indexed by country for your convenience

  • Players can now see the launch altitude of the weapons.

    No more guessing at the launch parameters.

  • Numerous special weapons and special platforms for designers.

    If you would like to see a special capability or platform for your scenario, let us know and it will be added for you. There is ample room for specialty units and player requests. One player has already been accommodated. He wanted to try Soviet Sub-Launched Land Attack missiles from Charlie-class SSGNs so we modified the torpedo tubes to allow him to test this new feature.

  • Old versions of the DB will be retained.

    This is the only certain way to guarantee compatibility. Once a scenario is built, IT STAYS BUILT unless or until the author decides that he wants to adapt it to a newer version. This means that the scenario will play EXACTLY as the author intended.

  • Comprehensive descriptions.

    Detailed text for subs, ships, aircraft, and weapons.

  • Comprehensive mine model.

    Mines can now be swept by minesweepers and helicopters.

  • Pre-configured Installations.

    Pre-arranged and precisely measured installations such as air bases can be inserted with a single click.

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the
Complete Harpoon 3.6.3 Library

Harpoon ANW users can get the
Complete Harpoon ANW Library

Guidelines for ScenShare scenarios:

1) Enjoy creating it
2) Enjoy playing it
3) Enjoy sharing it
4) Enjoy helping others create them

The PlayersDB - The Harpoon Community's #1 Choice.

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