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Old 12-18-07, 02:45 PM   #2
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I'm surprised that no one has replied to your posting. The two URL's are similar to Jean-Michel Carre's documentary Kursk: A Submarine in Troubled Waters.

Both have the similar theme that the US submarines caused the loss of the Kursk, either through a collision and/or through shooting a torpedo. It makes an interesting theory but there appears to be NO truth in the idea. The hole that is shown in the Kursk's bow is one of the holes used by the salvage company to raise it. They drilled 26 holes in the hull to insert their grappling plugs. That is why the hole is so round. Torpedoes tend to leave more ragged holes.

The main reason for the Kursk explosion was they were testing a torpedo that leaked or fired unexpectedly and caused an explosion. Even the Russians finally admitted it. Whether it was the Shkval or an old peroxide model isn't important because it exploded and started a fire that caused the other torpedoes to go off. It was a massive explosion because the Kursk had a 7 inch steel inner hull and it blew back to the sixth compartment as well as opening up both hulls.

It is quite likely that the second submarine on the bottom was the Toledo and it got hit by the impact of the Kursk shock wave. That would likely knock all systems off-line and take time to get operational. The shock would likely release the distress signal and buoys that were heard and seen. It would limp away as discussed but there is nothing sinister about that. The damage to the bow was caused by the shock wave, not a collision. The cash payments and missile shield agreements to make the Russians keep quiet have certainly been well hidden probably because they didn't happen.

Do you really think that the Russian fleet would have stood by and not taken action if there had been a collison and a torpedo fired at their top subamrine? There were 30 ships nearby and they could hear what happened. The Russian Admiral knew what had happened. The test torpedo had exploded. That was why he got his guests ashore and blamed the Americans. The Russian Admirals were cleaned out, not because they were hiding the truth, but because they were incompetant and allowed the Kursk to explode.

It makes an interesting Tom Clancy plot but it just isn't the truth.

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