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Old 12-15-07, 03:05 AM   #1
Sea Lord
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Default Time for a "Red Storm Rising" Movie

I understand that I am likely the 10 thousandth person to write about this. Sorry if this is wasting anyone's time.

Recently I have read the book "Red Storm Rising" which answered many questions I had as a child of what a world war conventional style conflict would have meant in a time of the superpowers. I was shocked to see many aspects of the book hold themselves correctly in the future.

I at once started a search for movies based upon the book. However the only films I could find are fan based youtube trailers made from modern games. To the best of my knowlege there has been no movie done on this materpiece.

It is frankly shocking that a book filled to the brim with details (I have yet to see a fictional book thicker) seemingly passed by in the movie industry ripe with great selling movies on conflict. I have yet to see a book better suited to be made into a movie and to be continued.

Did our involvement with Desert Sheild/Storm scare Hollywood into abandoning a movie idea perfect for the big screen? Why did our eventuall victory not spur them on to develop such?


Now that I got that rant out of the way. I'd like to talk about a movie made in 2008 showing a 1980s superwar.

Obviously these days the industry dosent want to see another movie filled to the brim with death and destruction. They want story (Such as the reboots are doing on several fronts (I still consider the reboot of Batman to be the best reboot of all time) Which thankfully RSR is one of the best books to provide.

The love/spy/survival story within the main action (Dont want to spoil it for anyone. Read the book and you will know which part I talk about) Could be enhanced greatly while cutting back on some of the long standoffs to insure a movie the couple can watch together happily.

The length is one of the main issues. Red Storm Rising is obviously a LONG story which translates into LONG movie unless some action is taken. However, Some of the big blockbusters of this century so far are very long movies.

The other big issue is budget. This is not a movie that can be done independently without cutting some major parts and taking major shortcuts. This movie requires more advanced CGI and film scenes than you can shake a stick at. And you will need some big name stars to play some key parts. My only guess is that this movie would require about as much money as some of the "Star Wars" films. Simply due to the sheer amount of action involved.

Dispite the costs I think that this well known book will sell quite well as a movie that fits in some many interests of movie goers. Therefore I am quite surprised that it has not been attempted.

I could ramble on but I think you know what I am talking about now. Anyone care to discuss? Why or why not this movie ought to be made? Who ought to play various characters in the movie? Video Game/Sim prospects? Etc..

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