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Old 11-27-07, 06:43 AM   #9
Join Date: Feb 2005
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It is technically doable to create 'mission of the day' for a longer campaign programmatically, by generating a mission file and reading the debrief.txt generated by DW.


SuBB and I have been working on a particular style of missions, that may be worth mentioning here.

We have done a lot to maintain "dynamics". I know SuBB can explain it better than I do, though it's conceivable he might dedicate a forum page or so to that.

We've been trying to make these maps MP usable, which means that the 'bubble' approach is unavoidable. (In particular since DirectPlay is involved) - Then again, there is little to no chance of the player going somewhere he would (realistically) meet another ship.
__________________ for those who like playing objectives-based missions. (As opposed to deathmatches)
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