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Old 11-25-07, 05:54 PM   #335
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Originally Posted by panthercules
Originally Posted by lurker_hlb3
Originally Posted by panthercules
Originally Posted by Fincuan
The mission orders come from the .tsr files in data/Campaign/PatrolObjectives/NameOfPatrolObjective/
Thanks, but I checked (some of) those files and could not find any reference in them to what the source of the patrol order would be (e.g., whether it would read as coming from COMSUBPAC or COMSUBSOWESPAC) - any idea where that determination is being made? I'd really like to 'fix" this so that operational orders for the Asiatic Fleet boats come only from COMSUBSOWESPAC (or its predecessor or successor command title, as appropriate) but I don't know where the logic is built in as to which orders are stated as coming from which HQ unit.
Ok let’s go over this “message” by “message”

First message from in Data\Campaigns\Campaign\PatrolObjectives\Sink East China Sea 05\ Sink East China Sea 05.tsr and is part of RSRDC. And is generated when you start the mission.
Thanks for the detailed response - still have a question though. When I looked in the file you mentioned above about the first message, I saw that it did contain the reference to ComsubPac in the text of the message "Make daily reports a 0001Z daily to ComSubPac". That would be easy enough to change by just editing the text in that file. BUT, my real question is, where does the "From: COMSUBPAC" at the beginning of that first message come from? That's the one I was wanting to change so that it would be coming to my Asiatic Fleet boat from COMSUBSOWESPAC (or ComSubsAsiatic, as Roscoe's book indicates it was called at this early point in the war).

Originally Posted by lurker_hlb3
[The Second and third message come from Data\Campaigns\Campaign\DynamicMiss\ContactReport 50\ ContactReport 50.tsr
and is from “stock” SH4 and is generated when you are out of ammo or your fuel is down to 10%
Again - while the text of those messages may be in the .tsr file you mention above, there's no reference to ComSubPac in that file, and thus no indication of how the game decided to label these messages as being "From: COMSUBPAC" instead of "From: COMSUBSOWESPAC" as it did with the 4th message.

Originally Posted by lurker_hlb3
The fourth message is from Data\Campaigns\Campaign\messages.txt and is from RFB 1.31. See the “last” three lines in the file i.e. lines 174, 175, and 176 and is generated based on the date and time that is set at the start of the message.
Aha - now these three message lines all have an "@COMSUBSOWESPAC" reference in them that seems to be telling the game to display the 4th message as coming "From: COMSOWESPAC". Most of the "@COMSUBPAC" references I saw in skimming that file so far seem to be FOX-type informational traffic, which probably could stay as coming from COMSUBPAC - I guess I'll have to flyspeck through that messages.txt file and see if I can find any places where they're using that reference to trigger normal operational messages. Failing that, I suppose I could try just replacing all COMSUBPACs with COMSUBSOWESPACs in a copy of that file and using JSGME to install that modified version of the file for when I have an Asiatic Fleet boat, and another similarly changed (but replacing COMSUBSOWESPAC with COMSUBPAC) version of the file for when I have a boat from PH.:hmm:


item 4193

If you change it "ever" message that is generated through out the war no matter what home base your using with will start with what ever you enter in this field
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