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Old 11-07-07, 12:16 PM   #1
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Default [REQ] NSM needs work. Realism Gods angered...

Well I finally had to anger the realism Gods. The reason being is that those subchasers just WILL NOT sink. I guess their bows are made of styrofoam or something. Here is my story...

Mr Subchaser was chasing me when he did what he does best, BLEW his own stern to oblivion with his OWN depth charges! (not the fault of NSM but SHIV stupidity none the less)

Since I do not want to waste one of my last three torpedoes on a 400 ton tin can I decide to surface behind him and use the ol' 4" BOOM STICK. Unfortunately after 30 mins of REAL TIME and countless HE and AP shells his paint job is the only casualty.

After a few choice explitives I decide I will not be mocked! RAMMING SPEED Mr. Christian! As you can see after repeated rammings his bow defiantly gasps for air. (LOL: Note the pretty sparks)

Even on the bottom his bow looks at me and shouts "Its only a flesh wound!". I reply smartly, "OK, we'll call it a draw!".

I guess the problem here is that the floatability values for the bow are such that it wont sink at all. The only way to get the whole ship to sink was to literally sit on top of it and use the weight of my sub to force it under the waves. You can imagine the displeasure of the realism Gods. Even as the ship sits on the bottom the bow never sinks and holds the ship up as if it was made of styrofoam.

I am not knocking the NSM mod here. It is AWESOME. However I am just reporting my findings.

BTW, does the LIGHT version of NSM not behave this way. I'm thinking of changing to that on my next patrol.
The day publishers figured out that they could sell flashy first person shooters to teenagers in numbers greater than sand on a beach was the day that quality simulations died. --Col. Tibbets UBI SHIV Forums

I guess they should have made SH4 an open boat where we run around inside and shoot each other a 1000 times. They seem to handle those games with numerous patches. --Longam UBI SHIV Forums

A sad day has dawned...
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