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Old 10-23-07, 04:49 PM   #210
Ace of the Deep
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cheers Chock

i've discovered the other vital (well highly desirable anyway) ingredient for incorporating escorted ships into the campaign...the ability to give the ships a proper route to follow..
and also fixed a glitch with the script where by the destroyers would remain stationary if you sank the merchant..(now they continue searching the area around the doomed ship)

so download the script again if you fancy it..

the scripting is a real head-ache but very flexible
here's the mini convoy route scripting from the mission

AddStateEngine [c1]
AddStateItem [c1],"s:5"
AddStateItem [c1],"a:0,GoTo:g10.446,54.667,0,7"
AddStateItem [c1],"c:0,1,LastDestinationReached:1500"
AddStateItem [c1],"a:1,GoTo:g10.557,54.538,0,10"
AddStateItem [c1],"c:1,2,LastDestinationReached:1500"
AddStateItem [c1],"a:2,GoTo:g10.266,54.485,0,4"
AddStateItem [c1],"c:2,3,LastDestinationReached:1500"
AddStateItem [c1],"a:3,GoTo:g10.446,54.667,0,12"
AddStateItem [c1],"c:0,4,EnemyVisible:6000"
AddStateItem [c1],"c:1,4,EnemyVisible:6000"
AddStateItem [c1],"c:2,4,EnemyVisible:6000"
AddStateItem [c1],"c:4,0,-EnemyVisible:7000"
AddStateItem [c1],"a:4,Flee"

i've marked the route on the map so you can follow it if you want to see it at work

the escorts simply escort the main ship so follow the same route as required..
i've adapted the script to make the destroyers bob and weave along side the merchant to make them a very difficult target and a more effective "screen"
this also helps to keep them active if the merchant is destroyed

there's lots of alternative ai behaviours you can apply to the escorts (and the merchant) almost unlimited variety in can even make up your own once you've got an idea of what the heck is going on (lol)
they are not all 100% reliable but what the heck is?
makes life interesting

i've gotten more damage from testing these ideas out in this script than in an entire campaigns worth of playing the destroyers are reasonably agressive..they shell your scope when spotted..and often get a hit on the sub in the process which causes damage to the compressor scope engines etc etc quite often...nice to see that side of the sim at work...was given a 6 hour time estimate for one repair it can be fairly serious..tho i didn't notice an drop in performance from the sub when damaged so that's maybe some thing that needs looking at

keep up the good work
the world's tinyiest sh3 supermod-
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Are full of passionate intensity.

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