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Old 10-23-07, 05:43 AM   #1
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Default A few of noobish questions regarding the TDC, crew, torpedos...

Hi Guys!
I've installed the game (clean install, with no updates whatsoever couse the installation is srewed and i can't update.. so i have to install it again from the scratch).
Anyway... majority of my questions have no connection with version or mod.
Ok.. here we go

1. The red (or green) lines at the crew compartments

- I suppose that these are representation of state of compartment as average of the crew capabillity to preform their duty...but... what does this actually mean? 0.3... WTH??? Is that from 100% or from 0%... please explain.

2. Sometimes... well.. more than few times crew cant reload torpedos. If i send the status report it sais the i have XX torpedos left... these are at replacement slots but no one is reloading. No yelowish color in the tubes.... I wait for few days and still no reload.

3. What is the max depth of the subs.. ok.. the class is probably important, but on the dial i can't go below 50m (that is the max reading of the dial)

4. Thermal layers... I know that these exist but on what depth?? I can google it out but are these properly represented in the game??

5. I am using automatic TDC for now, and it happened during my second mission ('43... out of freemantle) that i've been targeting slow movig subhunter with 5 torpedos.. al of them going in the right direction but missing the trarget. I can't enable event camera to see what gone wrong as i am in the middle of career and can't make adjustment until i go back to the port. It seems that the depth is not good. So.. i reload... get the hell out of there and found the convoy... perfect positon... got green triangle, locked the target.. fired... all torps hitting correct place but still no KABOOM?! If i am using the auto aiming... what i can change in the settings? Also... what is PK, beside that it's supposed to be off

6. When i return to port, crew is still not 100% fit. If i read 15/100 efficiency for some crew member.. does this means that the dude is really stupid and has to be thrown over the fence into the sea, or he's just tired? Some compartments are never green.. except for the conning tower. Even after a whole day with no fight...

7. When do I sound the Battlestation command?

wow.. this is getting long. I should stop for now

I tried to search the forum for answers on these question and found out a lot of usefull info, but as this is my first Sub sim i have to ask a stupid question of two

Anyway... SH4 is from my opinion a GREAT game.. i enjoy it and with every hour wasted i begin to like it more and more!



Just one more..
Woh do i open the torpedo tubes? Just click on the tube or somethign else?

Last edited by TrtSmrt; 10-23-07 at 06:07 AM.
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