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Old 09-08-07, 01:19 PM   #3
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This is not something currently available, nor something I really expect to see in the (foreseeable) future.

It could be done simply (technically) by merely doubling (etc) the game speed for everyone for the entire game, but that would have adverse effects. The FFG defending against a missile volley can already be a clickfest. Reaction times would be increased, probably to the point where it's nearly impossible to react in time. Further, if people have learned that 'when the pings from the incoming torpedo are at -this- interval, do -this- maneuver for -that- long' that will mess up their routine.

To do it like in SP, where it could be increased, you'd have a couple design questions you'd have to answer. Should the host decide it, or should it depend on the lowest setting any user uses? How should the players deal with the information leak that is slowing down the game? ("He slowed the game down... what did he detect? Me?")

Even with such questions somehow answered well, the matter of making the various computers synchronize properly isn't trivial. And DW seems to be having some problems with this already.
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