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Old 06-24-07, 03:06 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Nell Quick
Pirates of the Burning Sea
While it is true that mmorpgs tend to run into a unique problem, unlike single player games where the player can be alowed to be 'special' it runs into all kinds of problems in an mmorpg setting.


There is already an age of sail mmorpg out, its called voyage century online and its been out for several years (though was only just relased internationaly and is kind of buggy and clunky). While you can be a pirate in it you dont have to be, you can even just be a trader (or an explorer and wander around looking for things). I have some serious problems with this game, but only in ways certain mechanics where implimented. Gratefuly I, having been playing all kinds mmorpgs with extreem dedication for almost a decade now, see nothing wrong with this kind of game working in an mmorpg enviornment. I think overall voyage century online has shown me than an mmorpg like this can work quite well.

As usual, mmorpgs can vary quite dramaticaly based on both their playerbase and design. While its true you can not judge one untill it comes out (and has been out for quite some time) I am not already feeling bad about this game, because i believe the principal can work.

You will either come up with a short lived arcadeish casual game where everyones running around in the biggest ship possible fighting eachother/npcs, or you will end up with an eve online but with sail instead of ion thruster.

The one thing however, with mmorpgs. Is that as noted some turn into a bunch of neos walking around (matrix online, hehe), other are highly structured. In most of the good mmorpgs there are a few leaders, and a bunch of followers. Specialists and support people are required. A massive warship is not always the best choice, if the game models this properly i think it will work out just fine. Realism.. or at least pseudo-realistic consepts, are not bared from mmorpgs. Theres no reason to think right off the bat that this game will turn into another throwaway mmo.
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