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Old 05-29-07, 03:17 PM   #4
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Bi and Mono and I base that entirely on aesthetics and the romanticised 'nostalgia' of the eras. I play and love Falcon but that is mainly because I love messing around with the systems more than anything to do with the actual aircraft. On the whole I find jets ugly and unappealing. What can I say? Dogfighting just isn't the same when your combined speed is a couple of times the speed of sound. Much the same as with subsims I'm into the history rather than the equipment. Sure, a single 688i could have sunk every ship the allies had - but it isn't a type VII.

There is something about the design of aircraft prior to the Jet age which gets me every time. I still can't look at a Spit, for example, without coming across all weepy and patriotic and thats strange for me as I'm not really that sort of guy. I have to choke back the tears every time I see the Battle of Britain Memorial flight on TV.
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