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Old 05-19-07, 09:56 AM   #2
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Harbours and naval bases are two totally different things. The harbours are physical model that must be placed in tha game, the naval bases are a set of special properties, given to an area, that allow refits, docking, ending patrols and so on. Here is a quick guide on how to place the harbour models:

Open the editor and the mission you are working on and:

go to Tools and select 'map location edit mode'.

Zoom in and right click on the point you want to build a new harbour on. click on 'Add Map Location.'

In the pop up box choose a name and enter this in the 'Editor name' field.

Next is the location type. For a harbour we want this set to '3d location'

the next field is priority. This determines at what zoom level the model becomes viasble on the map. There are three levels: At high you will see th base on the map at the maximum zoom out. At medium it will become viasble at a couple of clicks in, at min you have to zoom pretty far in to see it.

for 3d model type we will choose 'Large_harbour-type_II_dat' and for the field underneath select the same type.

location name in game is self explanitory.

Heading is also self explanitory. fiddle around with it until it is facing the way you want.

leave the font names and text colour as they are (although you canplay around with them if you want - it shouldn't cause any problems.)

For ZOOM START choose 50m/pixel
for ZOOM END choose 1m/pixel

Select 'scale on zoom' and show on map'. only select 'on land' if you are adding a city tile or similar.

Don't bother with the min height field.

for MAX OBJ SLOPE, set it to 0.550000
for SCALE set it to 14.377808

And leave the entry and exit dates as they are.

The Zoom, obj slope and scale settings are all default. Messing with these causes negative effects and should not be any different for the ones I've shown above. Font and colour are a matter of taste.

Also be aware that, brilliantly, some of the 3d models are missing their corresponding 2d images which wont affect them in game but makes it very, very difficult to place them properly as you have to use a different 2d image as a place holder.

Last edited by Egan; 05-22-07 at 06:30 AM.
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