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Old 04-29-07, 11:55 AM   #1
Sea Lord
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Default Bad news for the Real Nav Mod

I had set up the docs and stuff, thought that I'd do a few 'fast' career runs (single mission), from all the bases. What I did, was start at each base and beam over to Longitude and Latitude points, avoiding any contacts. I'd then do a sextant reading then sunrise and sunset readings while sitting in one place. Take notes, then beam over to the next point, saving the game at each point.

Dissapointing results in that the Local clock is an abortion, the GMT clock jumps around between Greenwich and your starting point. For example.. if you start at Kiel, Wilhelmhaven, Flensburg or La Spezia, your GMT clock is actually set to 15 East, not GMT. This is ok and one could make allowances for it, BUT load your saved game while in the mid atlantic and the GMT clock is now set to GMT, and it's out by 2 degrees, and sunrise ans sunset times are all over the place. This is not acceptable for accurate Nav.

This is not all, If you're in the East you Longitude calculations have to be 'reversed' to obtain your exact position. as the clock does not tell the 'real time'

It was getting to be such a mess, I'm at the point of aborting this, except for one thing.
The Sextant is still consistently accurate, and if you think people would be prepared to log/measure their mileage instead of using a clock for Longitude this mod can still work - plus it'll reduce my workload. I think this would be the easiest.

Any suggestions

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